
Datahooks templating Guide

Datahooks is a feature in Pensieve that allows you to run custom export logic after a recording has been processed. This allows you to store copies of your recordings in your personal files, in a markdown-based note-taking system, or move data to external integrations (for example, you can call a custom shell script which could further process the data from your recording).

The path for each datahook, which decides where to store the data, is defined as a Handlebars template. Also, Markdown files that are created from a recording also have their contents specified through a Handlebars template. You can find some general documentation on how to use Handlebars templates here.


The following variables are available for use in your Handlebars templates:

  • {{started}} - The start time/date of the recording in ISO format
  • {{date}} - Alias for the start time
  • {{summary.summary}} - If LLM-based summarization is enabled, the long summary
  • {{summary.actionItems[i]}} - If LLM-based summarization is enabled, each action item
  • {{summary.sentenceSummary}} - If LLM-based summarization is enabled, a summary in one sentence
  • {{highlights[i]}} - Each manually created highlight moment as number timestamp
  • {{language}} - The inferred language from the recording
  • {{mp3Path}} - After/if the MP3 was copied out, the target path
  • {{homedir}} - User home directory
  • {{transcript[i].timestamps.from}} - The starting timestamp, as text
  • {{transcript[i]}} - The ending timestamp
  • {{transcript[i].offsets.from}} - The starting timestamp, in milliseconds
  • {{transcript[i]}} - The ending timestamp, in milliseconds
  • {{transcript[i].text}} - The text of the transcript
  • {{transcript[i].speaker}} - The speaker of the transcript, usually either "0" or "1"
  • {{assets[i].file}} - The target path for each extracted screenshot.


Handlebars allows you to use helpers in variables, meaning that something like {{ year "2024-03-01" }}, or {{ year date }} would return 2024. The following helpers are available:

  • year - Returns the year of a given date
  • month - Returns the month of a given date
  • day - Returns the day of a given date
  • localeDateTime - Returns the date and time in the user's locale
  • localeDate - Returns the date in the user's locale
  • localeTime - Returns the time in the user's locale
  • keydate - Returns the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
  • pathsafe - Returns a path-safe version of the input string, i.e. replacing non-alphanumeric characters with underscores
  • relative - Returns the relative path from the provided path to the currently processed file.
  • ifEquals - Returns the content of the helper bracket if the two arguments are equal
  • ifNotEquals - Returns the content of the helper bracket if the two arguments are not equal